Tips for actors learning lines

Acting and Actor tips for learning lines
Photo Credit: Flickr via cc
As an actor one of the questions which people so often ask is “How do you learn all those lines?” Everyone has their own methods, everyone has tips and hints which work for them. There is no a sure-fire way to learn lines which will work for everyone, but hopefully one of these tips or tricks might make it a whole lot easier.
For me, I get a grip of the character first, by first rehearsal I will have read the script at least three times: once as impartially as I can, once trying to get a grip on the character, and once reading the lines from my characters point of view. I rarely ever learn lines before I have worked with the director for a while, I want to have freedom and find that once the lines are learnt it is easy to get ‘stuck’ in a way of performing them. Once I have a grip on my take on the character, the director’s take on the character, the other actors voices and faces in my head, and also some muscle memory of where I will be and what I will be doing I find that the lines get learnt very easily as I read and re-read the script with the purpose of learning the lines.
That’s how it works for me, I am sure for you it will be different. Here are some other methods I have come across which might help you to learn your lines.
BBC actors talk through their tips for learning lines

Try a Line Learning App

Nowadays there is an app for everything and that includes learning lines! Click each title to learn more.
The Line Learner App
Line Learner helps you to learn lines as quickly and easily as you learn a catchy song. Line Learner enables you to record scenes from plays. It allows you to listen to the full recording while you learn your part. You can then select to leave gaps in the recording for you to speak your part aloud. A prompt button is there to remind you of your line if you forget. You can choose to repeat individual scenes, or the whole play. If you are using an ipod you will need a microphone to record your lines.
Scene Study
Scene Study is an incredibly easy way for actors to memorize and rehearse lines for theater and film productions. Created by actors for actors, Scene Study frees you from the script to start actively listening and responding in the scene. By recording your cues lines, you practice listening for them right along with recalling your own.

Once you have a scene set up, you can save time by rehearsing while doing other activities. Combining other tasks with rehearsal enables deeper memorization of your lines and often provides a few unexpected insights to your character.

Getting started is easy. Simply create a production and add characters names for the lines you wish to create. Then record your lines and the lines for the other characters in the order they occur in the scene. You can record the complete lines for your scene partners or just the cue lines. Then start rehearsing! Choose the character you wish to rehearse by muting them during playback and enjoy your own portable scene study partner.

Rehearse around the house or on the go, rehearse while driving or doing chores. It’s that easy!
Rehearsal App
My favourite, but it needs a pdf or word document of the script to work. Its a great app, you can highlight the script, blackout your lines and record a scene and rehearse along with it. Here is the description:
Rehearsal 2 is the industry standard tool for professional actors to work with television and film scripts, and to memorize their scenes and study scenes for auditioning and performance. Rehearsal has been used by over 50,000 actors worldwide, and has been featured in The New York Times, Fast Company Magazine and countless actor-related blogs and news sources.