![social Life At Drama School [i_876] social Life At Drama School](http://www.actorhub.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/social-Life-At-Drama-School.jpg)
Every student needs a social life. Even drama students who spend the daytime studying and the evenings rehearsing need to kick back and let off steam. But any form of socialising costs money and if the funds are tight, you are going to have to spend those coppers wisely. Here is a low down on what is on offer for a drama student studying at drama school.
Social Life of a Drama Student
Student barMost drama schools and colleges have a bar. It’s the hub and core to every students life. This will be the place where all the post class entertainment will be held. Not to mention the cheap drinks and late license! The bar will be the place where you will go and let off steam, celebrate a colleagues birthday, end of show party and toast yourself after handing in that 2000 word essay.
House partiesDrama students like to party hard so don’t be surprised to find yourself invited to numerous parties throughout the term. And drama students will use any excuse to hold a party. House parties occur quite often in a students life and it’s another great excuse to drink on a budget. Some towns and cities have student areas where all the student accommodation seems to be in the same area. So when those invites come flooding in, take advantage of them and meet other people, and remember you won’t even have far to walk home.
Student Nights in clubs and pubsIf you happen to study in a big city like London, you will be able to sample the nightlife and take advantage of all those student offers out there. Some pubs and clubs have student nights where entry fees and drinks are at rock bottom prices.
Water is FREEIf money is tight, always remember water is FREE in all pubs and clubs. Alternate your alcoholic drinks with a glass of water, you’ll drink less and spend less. It will also help prevent a hangover if you happen to have a movement class at 8.30 am the next morning!
Student NUS cardGet yourself a NUS student card which will be your key to so many discounts on shopping, clothes, food and drink. You should also be eligible for student travel fares on the trains and buses. Check with the NUS website for those discounts. www.nus.org.uk.
Student ConcessionsDrama students can also take advantage of student discount tickets for plays and musicals. Tickets are still expensive, even after the discount, so buy wisely and see what will either inspire you or help you with your studies. You could ask family and friends for theatre tokens for birthdays or Christmas, if you want to save even more money.
Budget WeeklyEvery drama student needs to learn how to be savvy with their money. Unless you have a bottomless money pit, you will have to budget your finances throughout the whole term. Set aside so much per week for your social nights and try and stick to it. That’s why the odd house party thrown in helps to save on the cash.
If you are a smoker, try and give up before thinking about going to drama school. It’s not only unhealthy but it’s expensive and will cripple any students outgoings at nearly £7 per pack. Smoking 20 per day will cost you around £49 per week, £217.00 per month and £2604.00 per year! -
Part time workYou will probably not have time to work a part time job in term time as your days are pretty packed with studying and rehearsing. But try and get some work during the summer and Christmas holidays. Many big department stores and employment agencies take on students during busy periods and think of all that money you can spend at the student union bar when term time begins!
Organised EventsWhen you first start drama school there will be a host of arranged events to get you all introduced. These are the times when friendships are formed and everyone is as nervous as each other, so just go with the flow and take it all in your stride. Most schools and colleges keep organising events throughout the year so take advantage of any discounted trips or gigs on offer.
End of term party, ball or promIt’s now quite common for colleges to host end of year parties. These are a good excuse to really dress up and look stunning. Some take the shape of a glamorous ball or prom and some even offer a dining experience followed by a good old party.
Sport and Leisure activitiesIf you happen to be sporty, there may some sport teams set up in and around your college. If there isn’t any, why not set up one of your own? Many of your drama chums would benefit from a quick game of netball or a pilates or a yoga session. You could charge a small fee for them to come to your class, you can stay fit and earn a little cash at the same time. And don’t forget your student card will also get you discounts on swimming and gym memberships.
Nights inIt’s not really part of a students social life but we thought we’d include it anyway. Sometimes it’s nice to just organise a night in with your housemates. Students can over do it sometimes and burn the candle at both ends, so why not cook your housemates a meal and then sit down in front of DVD and open a bottle of wine. Sometimes a night in is a great way to recharge the batteries before a weekend of partying.
Drink responsiblyFor some newcomers to student life, constant partying and drinking alcohol can be quite a shock to the system, especially if you abuse it. House parties can offer a student a whole array of, free, cheap, mixed and different alcoholic drinks all night long. This means that you end up drinking far more than you would on a night out to the pub. Drink wisely and responsibly. Know your limits and stick to them.
Men should drink no more than 21 units of alcohol per week, no more than four units in any one day, and have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
Women should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week, no more than three units in any one day, and have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
As a guide one unit of alcohol is the equivalent to half pint of beer, lager or cider. One unit is also equivalent to 25ml of spirits. A standard 125ml glass of wine will be one and a half units.
Juggling a social life and heavy drama studies isn’t easy but every student needs to relax and enjoy themselves. There will be times when your social life will have to be put on hold, especially when you have to attend evening rehearsals for that end of term performance or finish off that essay which is due in…tomorrow! Make the most of your time at drama school and make the most of it socially….it will be one of the most memorable and fun filled parts of your life.
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