Auditioning for a Musical Theatre Drama School

Auditioning for a Musical Theatre Drama School
If you want a career in musical theatre you will be trained in acting, movement, dance and singing skills. Contemporary musical theatre demands versatile performers of a high musical and vocal standard, with strong dramatic and verbal ability, together with dance and movement skills. Musical performers will need to excel in all these areas and it’s a good idea to develop these skills before your musical theatre drama school audition.

A typical Musical Theatre course

As well as group classes in all forms of acting, dance and movement, students may also benefit from individual singing classes. The courses may also cover vocal techniques, the history of musical theatre and useful insights on how to prepare and perform in musical auditions.
Students may also take part in masterclasses and workshops from visiting professionals who are in the business. More than likely you will also take part in numerous musical productions while being at the school, the final one being your examinational piece or ‘showcase’. Here you will be able to invite agents, casting directors and other theatre professionals to see your work.
All musical theatre schools and courses do differ and may ask you for certain requirements before you audition. Musical Theatre courses can also last between one, two or three years. There are also shorter courses that are held during the summer months. Here are a list of useful tips for preparing and performing for your musical theatre school audition.