What does a drama school audition panel look for in an auditioning student?

What does a drama school audition panel look for in an auditioning student?
The panel and tutors at any drama school audition may look stern and scary but they have one very important and difficult task to do. Each year they have to fill their course or courses with the best. They want to find a dynamic group of students that are going to learn and support each other throughout the duration of the course.
They are looking for individuals with talent and who have a hunger for the profession, who are going to complete the whole course and make a name for themselves and make an impact on the professional acting world. Not every graduate does that, we admit, but life does throw curve balls at you that make you change the path you are taking.
When auditioning and interviewing drama school applicants, the panel are usually looking for some essential and desirable qualities. You will see by the lists below why they ask you to prepare and perform certain pieces and ask you to undertake certain tasks at an audition. You will also understand why they ask you to work in small groups and work as a team rather than direct the group piece all by yourself.
For every ONE drama school place, around 100 apply and the number is rising. So you can see why they are looking for the best. It can take quite a few months for a drama school to read applications, audition students and finally whittle it down to the chosen few. So here is a basic list of the essential and desirable qualities that a drama school panel will be looking for.