![West End Actor Interviews – Gabrielle Brooks [i_2594] West End Actor Interviews – Gabrielle Brooks](http://www.actorhub.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/West-End-Actor-Interviews-–-Gabrielle-Brooks.jpg)
Photo Credit: Henry Hemming via cc
As an introduction to Actor Hub’s latest guest author Gabrielle Brooks we asked her to answer our West End Questionairre!
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I think I would tell anyone who would listen to make sure they remember why they got into the business.
We spoke to London actress Gabrielle Brooks who is currently a swing and first cover Nabalungi in The Book of Mormon.
Her previous Theatre includes: ensemble/first cover Chenice in I Can’t Sing! (London Palladium), Hairspray (Cork Opera House), Little Inez in Hairspray (UK and Irish Tour), understudy Gary Coleman and Mrs T/Yellow Bear in Avenue Q (UK and Irish Tour), Our House 10th Anniversary Concert (Savoy), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (London Palladium) and Whistle Down the Wind (Aldwych).
Gabrielle is a keen blogger and writes at littlegabbybro.wordpress.com – you can follow her on Twitter at @Gabbybro
Where did you train and did it prepare you for the reality of life in musical theatre?I trained at The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA).I didn’t actually do a course in Musical Theatre but the course I did do offered elements of Musical Theatre training.LIPA offers a Performing Arts (Acting) course that focuses mainly on acting but offers you the chance to expand on your interests in other places in the industry like TV and film, Musical Theatre, directing etc…
What is the typical audition process for a West End show?Normally you will be asked to prepare a couple of songs where they will give you a specific brief.After they have hopefully sussed out that you can sing and your agent wasn’t lying you will move on to the next round. Depending on the show this could be a dance call, or another singing round where they give you material from the show.It pretty much continues like this until they are sick of seeing you and you get a lovely phone call from your agent telling you that you have a job! Huzzah!
Gabrielle’s Backstage Selfie as Nabalungi, The Book of Mormon, London 2015
What is your current favourite audition ballad?I never really sing ballads myself, mostly because they tend to make me feel like I have I have been in the audition room for an eternity – haha!I love to hear guys sing I’ll Be Here from The Wild Party.
What is your current favourite up-tempo audition song?My favourite up tempo audition song is and will always be River Deep Mountain High, not only is it fun to sing but at any given audition about four other girls will be heard singing it without fail.We’re all aware it’s a popular choice but for some reason we all refuse to budge and learn other songs. Cracks me up every time.
When was the last time you had to choose and perform a monologue at a casting??Strangely enough, even for play auditions, I have never been asked to perform a monologue.I suppose when I do I’ll be frantically calling up friends asking them for help.
Do you have any showbiz superstitions or rituals?I’m not particularly superstitious or so I thought until a friend pointed out to me that I always have a hot drink before a show. Not a clue why but definitely would feel odd without it.I’m also obsessed with nail varnish so I normally spend the better part of the half hour call getting that off.
I would love to play Juliet one day. I absolutely love Romeo and Juliet and just think why not, the world of theatre is a lot more accessible then to used to be.
What is your favourite warm-up exercise?I love anything aerobic. A dance captain with a great playlist who has you in a great mood on rainy Wednesday matinee is a genius!
What is your dream role?I would love to play Juliet one day. I absolutely love Romeo and Juliet and just think why not, the world of theatre is a lot more accessible then to used to be.In a musical I would love to play Dorothy in The Wiz. The songs are still so catchy and the part is right up my street.
What is the funniest thing (mishap, planned or accidental) that ever happened to you on stage?I once fell flat on my face in a show and skidded into the wing.Thankfully I was fine but the egg on my face was very fresh for a few days.It was a pretty comical fall though.
It can be so challenging and testing along the way but if you remind yourself of the corny little kid with a dream you can’t go wrong.
What has been your best moment so far in your career?As cheesy as it may be, this job has been the highlight of my career so far.The first time I went on for Nabalungi was such a rush I don’t quite remember the entire show but I certainly remember standing on stage on my own thinking ‘Oh my goodness, I am absolutely singing a solo on a West End stage with my Mum in the audience weeping’She’s not much of a crier either. Highlight!
Gabrielle with Book of Mormon co-stars Brian Sears and Nic Rouleau
Is there a cringe moment during your career which made you think you might give up?Fortunately I haven’t had any throw in the towel moments but I have definitely had my fair share of ‘please ground swallow me up’ moments.One that always comes to mind is an audition I had very close to graduation. Excited beyond belief because it was a show I have always loved. I’m onto my second round, totally pumped … ‘Gabrielle you can go in’ … walk in and drop all of my sheet music and all the script on the floor. Great start!Thankfully and probably out of pity they request a song from show, no sheet music needed. Phew!Here I go, singing the song they had sent to us, confident in the ridiculous amount of practice I had put in, only to realise a few lines in that the pianist had the sheet music for the boys version of the song in the boys key.Panic!I continued the song knowing it sounded awful and having a panel look at me like they are all dying to press the eject button on their seats.After the song there was a distinct silence in the room which I can am still convinced lasted as long as the 2 minute song I had ruined, where the director finally says ‘You know what? I think that was in the wrong key.’Saved!All that came next was the awkward small chat in the room whilst the pianist went upstairs in hope of finding the song in the female key.
Which five musical theatre characters would you like to have at your fantasy Dinner Party?I would absolutely have Mama Morton from Chicago round. She is too much fun to not invite round for dinner.Angel from Rent. Non stop entertainment and fun. Of course I’m just going to ignore what happens to her at the end of the show.I would invite Sky Masterson because dinner party needs a charismatic attractive man.Usnavi from In The Heights because let’s face it, he is far too cool to miss out his invite.Lastly I would have Drowsy Chaperones’ Janet – I mean what a ‘show off’ but she is impressive to say the least.
What three things do you always have in your dressing room?I always have my slippers! Comfort is a must.I also refuse to go anywhere without Body Shop body mist.I generally will have silly quotes that make me laugh throughout the day around my mirror too. My favourite right now is ‘I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.’
Remember you are more than what you do. Being a performer isn’t who you are. It’s an amazing job and we so lucky to enjoy our work but keep that in mind.
Press shuffle on your ipod, what song comes on?Whitney Houston – I Have Nothing – Typical!
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start a life in Musical Theatre?I think I would tell anyone who would listen to make sure they remember why they got into the business.It can be so challenging and testing along the way but if you remind yourself of the corny little kid with a dream you can’t go wrong.Remember you are more than what you do. Being a performer isn’t who you are. It’s an amazing job and we so lucky to enjoy our work but keep that in mind.
Describe the life of a West End actor in a tweet (140 characters or less!)A laugh a minute, playing dress up, busy commute, always exhausted, life is always that little bit surreal. I must be a West End Performer.
Get in touch with Gabrielle via Twitter and look out for her Actor Hub articles soon.