What should you expect after Drama School?

James Bowden is the founder of The Dorset School of Acting – nationally recognised and Dorset’s first and only full time independent drama school.
After graduating from Rose Bruford in 1994 James has been fortunate enough to have worked regularly as an actor in theatre and TV.
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Photo Credit: adapted from Steven Pisano via cc

Don’t let your drama school auditions get you down

This week in “The Stage” there was an article bemoaning the fact that drama schools don’t fully prepare their students for the reality of the profession.
Now to be honest it does depend on which drama school you attend.
I can state for a fact that Drama Centre, Rose Bruford and Dorset School of Acting are horribly honest when telling their students what to expect.
So just in case you are under the false impression that once you have completed your 3 yrs at drama school everything would paparazzi and red carpet premiers here are the cold hard facts…….
After accruing debts of up to £40,000 whilst training, the average income for a jobbing actor (one that at least gets work) is £5000 per annum.
This is of course if you are lucky enough to get a job.
Ladies, it is grimmer for you as there are at least 7 female actors to every 1 male actor and there are 7 more roles written for men than women!
All this with the fact that there is 90% unemployment and only the top 5% of the remaining 10% who are in employment are working in high profile jobs like West End, TV and Film.
It is an arduous journey to success in this business and you have to be made of stern stuff if you hope to last. But if this hasn’t put you off then you are made of the right stuff and good luck to you.
Just remember your training will not be in vain, at least you will be able to recall an actor’s perrenial line, Do you want fries with that!!!
The Dorset School of Acting’s 1 year Foundation Course in Acting & Musical Theatre is based on the first year of a BA Acting and prepares it’s students for all the aspects of auditioning for accredited Drama Schools. Check out the course at www.dorsetschoolofacting.co.uk

About DSA

The Dorset School of Acting is nationally recognised and Dorset’s first and only full time independent drama school.
The DSA offers a vocational course preparing students for further training at drama school or a professional career in acting depending on ability.
With advisors from the most prestigious drama schools in the country, the school provides a systematical approach to the art and craft of the actor whether in classic and contemporary acting or musical theatre.
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