Thanks to Headshot photographer Pete Bartlett for this article. Pete is a photographer based in Notting Hill, London. He specialises in Actor Headshots, Portraits, Weddings and Fashion Photography. Check him out on Facebook or visit his website at
Photograph copyright of Pete Bartlett
What is a Good Headshot?
To be taken seriously at all an actor has to have a good, professionally taken headshot.
It’s main purpose is to get you to an audition. In order to do that it needs to look like an honest representation of you, a Casting Director will not be interested if they cannot be sure that will turn up at an audition looking exactly like your picture, but you on a really really good day.
The 3 Essentials for Picking the Right Photographer
ShortlistWhen looking for a photographer make sure their pictures look real. At the same time they need to really sing off the page.Once you’ve shortlisted the ones whose pictures you like, I would be looking for a seasoned pros amongst them by seeing whose portfolio contains a lot of actors with the top agents, ie. who are actually getting work!
BudgetI would also then consider price and be prepared to pay the top end of whatever your budget is. Like most things in life you tend to get what you pay for.I’d then look for the details, such as length of session and amount of shots etc. However, I wouldn’t be swayed much on promises of extras, since 50 stunning shots will be worth far more than 500 mediocre ones.
InstinctLastly, of the few remaining I’d go with your gut. Who’s website gives me the feeling I’d like to work with them?
Preparation for the shoot
To prepare for the session think through all the expressions and looks you’d like to achieve, what does it look like to smoulder, what does playful look like, etc. Practice in the mirror, become familiar with how your face looks at different angles.Keep the clothes simple. Plain block colours are best and V necklines draw the eye to the face nicely.
What Happens After a Session?
Get help in choosing the pictures after the session. You want to pick the ones that represent you best as an actor, not necessarily the ones where you think you look best. You want a range to put up on your Spotlight page, 4 to 5 pictures from a session should suffice.
Lastly I’d urge you to try to enjoy the day of your headshots. Treat yourself that day, coffees, taxis etc. Your sense of fun, relaxation and feeling special will show up in the pictures!
About Me
Having previously worked in the film industry, I’ve now been shooting actor headshots for the last 8 years. I am lucky enough to include many of London’s top agents as my clients. I live and work in Notting Hill. What I love most about the job, clichéd though it may be, is that I really like meeting people. I am genuinely interested in each and every client I have. I ‘m told and in fact I know that that fact translates into successful pictures more than anything else.
Check out my work
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