An Actors Guide to Twitter: The Basics

ActorHub Guide to Twitter - The Basics
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons via cc

A Quick Guide for Actors Using Twitter

Twitter is a great way to send out short messages about you and what you are doing. You will also receive any tweets sent by those people you are following. These tweets all produce an ongoing dialogue or stream of messages which you can view when you want to by singing into Twitter.
Twitter is micro blogging at it’s best: Instant Messaging, blogging and Social Networking all rolled into 140 character messages!
The immediacy of Twitter makes it useful for networking, spreading and sharing news, finding out what people and topics are popular or trending, asking questions and offering opinions.
In today’s hyper connected world traditional ‘branding’ is becoming more and more outdated. The barriers between artist and producer and audience are narrowing, in today’s world where millions are vying for your attention it is not necessarily your presentation which is the most important thing – its that you are connected to your target audience.
Audiences are bombarded by overcooked advertising and branding today but those who use Twitter and social media correctly become accessible and real to those they are connecting with. If you want to use Twitter in the best way, then remember it is not about you, it is about your audience.