![ActorHub Guide to Twitter - The Basics [i_1820] ActorHub Guide to Twitter - The Basics](http://www.actorhub.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/ActorHub-Guide-to-Twitter-The-Basics.jpg)
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons via cc
A Quick Guide for Actors Using Twitter
Twitter is a great way to send out short messages about you and what you are doing. You will also receive any tweets sent by those people you are following. These tweets all produce an ongoing dialogue or stream of messages which you can view when you want to by singing into Twitter.
Twitter is micro blogging at it’s best: Instant Messaging, blogging and Social Networking all rolled into 140 character messages!
The immediacy of Twitter makes it useful for networking, spreading and sharing news, finding out what people and topics are popular or trending, asking questions and offering opinions.
In today’s hyper connected world traditional ‘branding’ is becoming more and more outdated. The barriers between artist and producer and audience are narrowing, in today’s world where millions are vying for your attention it is not necessarily your presentation which is the most important thing – its that you are connected to your target audience.
Audiences are bombarded by overcooked advertising and branding today but those who use Twitter and social media correctly become accessible and real to those they are connecting with. If you want to use Twitter in the best way, then remember it is not about you, it is about your audience.
How can Twitter help me to communicate?
Breaking down barriersTwitter allows an immediate and intimate view in to your day to day life. You can make yourself accessible to young and new audiences and show them the nuts and bolts of what you do.
CollaborationUse Twitter like a search engine which lets you connect with like minds and interested parties, individuals and companies. You can connect with companies from all over the world and ask questions and gather opinions.
Making ConnectionsYou can use twitter to make connections with directors, casting directors, producers, teachers, theatre companies, other actors. You are able to introduce yourself to a whole new audience.
ParticipateTo get the most out of Twitter you need to listen as much as you speak. The immediacy of Twitter means that if you are tweeting you will be participating in real time with other twitter user’s ideas, stories, opinions and links.
Twitter Jargon
Tweeta short 140 character message
FollowTo follow someone is to subscribe to their tweets
RT or Re-Tweetwhen you forward someone’s tweet it is good etiquette to structure it as a RT. You give them credit for the original tweet. Click on retweet or structure it like this:RT @user_name Followed by their tweet
ReplyWhen you reply to someone use their twitter name. If their name is at the start of the tweet only you and them and anyone who follows both of you will see the tweet.@user1 Thanks for coming to see me in my latest showIn the above exchange, User1 will be notified about their inclusion in the tweet and anyone who follows you both will see it in their Tweets feed.@user1 Thanks for coming to see me in my show. I hope you enjoyed the scene with me and @user2In the above exchange both user1 and user2 will be notified about their inclusion in the tweet and anyone who follows you both will see it in their Tweets feed.
DM or Direct MessageIf you and the person you wish to privately message both follow each other then you can send them a DM or a direct message. Only you and the recipient will see this tweet. Add a D at the start of your tweet followed by their @user_name
FavouritesYou can favourite any tweet by clicking favourite at the bottom of that tweet. This is useful for you to preserve any useful links or ideas before you lose them in the stream of tweets.
TrendingTopics, words or phrases which are being most used on Twitter. Here is a list of what is currently trending in London
Hashtagsusing a hash – # – at the start of a word or phrase lets users search easily to find tweets referring to that event or topic. This is great for organising a twitter get together or live tweet event, for example:#CoriolanusTweets #DramaTeachers #MonologueSwapShop
Getting started on Twitter is easy, here is a list of Journalists & Critics who you should be following.
Here is a great list of actors, directors, producers, bloggers and influential individuals who you really should be following on twitter.
Here is a great list of theatres and companies for actors to follow on twitter. We will keep adding to these lists.
Here is a great list of theatre and acting organisations to follow on twitter. We will keep adding to these lists.