Photo Credit: Tim @ Friendbook Meadows via cc
Acting Tips from Actor Hub readers
We asked via Twitter and Facebook for your tips and advice and here is what you said. Use the form at the bottom of the page to send in your favourite tip and we will share it here.
The best piece of acting advice Is …Play!!
The best piece of acting advice Is …“Act well your part, there all honour lies.” Alexander Pope
The best piece of acting advice Is …Deliver a story not lines!!
The best piece of acting advice Is …Be humble and respect your audience. There’s always somebody somewhere who can do it better than you.
The best piece of acting advice Is …Really do/feel/say what you’re really doing/feeling/saying, for real. Really.
The best piece of acting advice Is …Don’t be afraid to give it your all
The best piece of acting advice Is …Shut up and listen.
The best piece of acting advice Is …Listen and react with honest emotion.
The best piece of acting advice Is …Once the cameras are on or the curtain is up, the character work takes a back seat to making that connection with the other actors. Your homework, as an actor, with character development should have been thorough before the lights are up.
I’ve seen far too many people worry about themselves and how “they” are perceived, instead of just connecting, listening, and landing. -
The best piece of acting advice Is …Let the character develop within your self. People will like you not your lines.
The best piece of acting advice Is …Follow the light!
The best piece of acting advice Is …Be in the moment and connect!
The best piece of acting advice Is …Acting is about truth. And you do not become the character; the character becomes you.
The best piece of acting advice Is …Do what you’re doing. Don’t “act” like you’re reading the letter…read the ****ing letter (as my acting professor put it!)
The best piece of acting advice Is …. . . have a lot of hobbies.
What is your Acting Top Tip?
To share your own nugget of acting wisdom with our readers please fill in the form below and click send.
We at Actor Hub believe that sharing your advice and tips is great for your soul. As the Dalai Lama puts it “Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.”, or if you prefer, in the words of Snoop Dogg “It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none.”
* Optional – Please include an email address if you want to receive the Actor Hub newsletter with exclusive articles and offers. We will never hound you or sell your details to others!
We at Actor Hub believe that sharing your advice and tips is great for your soul. As the Dalai Lama puts it “Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.”, or if you prefer, in the words of Snoop Dogg “It ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none.”
* Optional – Please include an email address if you want to receive the Actor Hub newsletter with exclusive articles and offers. We will never hound you or sell your details to others!
More Of Your Tips
Here are some more nuggets of acting wisdom from you, the Actor Hub reader. Share yours.
Here are some more piece of acting advice from the Actor Hub readers. Keep sending them in!
We asked for your best acting tip or nugget of advice and you shared! Here are your thoughts:
How would you complete the sentence ‘The best piece of acting advice is …’ – Here are your tips: